Monday, September 11, 2006


In honor of today's anniversary, please forgive me for saying a few more words:

Five years ago today, most of us watched on television as far too many of the nation's policemen, firemen and rescue workers went back into a burning building to save the victims of a tragedy they too would ultimately become victims of. Their shared belief that the worst was over, documented in interview after interview in the months that followed the morning of September 11, echoes far too loudly now, in a time when no situation can begin before its most disastrous outcome is anticipated. We have resolved ourselves, those of us who are here, to never again experience the shock of that morning, that sweeping sense of disbelief at the sheer magnitude of an event that paralyzed so many of us at a time of such desparate need. And in this preparation, we have shed more than our perceived vulnerability.

As the son and brother of firemen, I thank those who have and continue to help others. I would like to remember, in whatever small way I can, those who were lost in the attacks of September 11 and those who have been lost in the conflicts resulting from that day. And I also hold out hope, foolish as it may be, for a time when the belief that good can still be done again outweighs the fear and darkness of a violent act.

1 comment:

brd said...

I came to your site to get your url so I can add you directly to my blog roll. No more clicking through gbs.

Your thoughts made me pause though. Vulnerability seems almost like a fault, and yet somehow, I hold it precious, I cannot release it from those qualities I treasure. If I am vulnerable, you can hurt me. If I am vulnerable my destruction is inevitable except for the intervention of an "other." If I am vulnerable, I must rely on something besides sheer power.

Enter love, enter relationship, enter freedom. I cannot risk not taking the risk of vulnerability.

I love you thoughts. They make me think.