Friday, April 08, 2011

Southland Tales

*An indictment of Richard Kelly*

Exhibit A:  "Man, American guys sure do (did) equate big cars with sexual prowess (in the 1950s)!  So, I've got an idea..."

Exhibit B:  "Man, we've got Justin Timberlake in this movie, and he's a great singer and a great dancer!  So, I've got an idea..."

Exhibit C:  "Man, Quentin Tarantino sure does write awesome dialogue about pop culture!  So, I've got an idea..."

Exhibit D:  "Man, Cheri Oteri...wasn't she great on Saturday Night Live??  So, I've got an idea..."

Exhibit E:  "Man, isn't it funny when Asian people get hurt by stuff??  So, I've got an idea..."

The prosecution rests, your honor.


Matt said...


Matt said...

I'll be honest. I'll watch that movie again with someone who has never seen it just to see the "What the...?" look on their face.

Eric said...

My favorite part of this is Buffy's line about the Pilgrims landing in the 15th century! That's awesome!

There's also every scene where The Rock tries to explain about doing research to play role in a film he's also directing, which will be set in the near future. The whole thing feels like something someone would make to mock Richard Kelly.

On the other hand...

Defense Exhibit A: The film ends with a dude on top of a floating ice-cream truck shooting an RPG at some sort of intergalactic/military/advertising blimp.

Exhibit B: Jon Lovitz, policeman.

Exhibit C: The video the prosecution used as Exhibit B.